
Education and Outreach Award

This award will be given to individuals or organisations who have created and/or used platforms and practices to educate and inspire people to improve the well-being of animals and their habitats. Impacts may be measured by numbers of animals served, policy changes, or enforcement practices by government officials, public or private institutions, schools and colleges.

  • Eligible nominees: You will be considered for this award if you have educated/conducted an outreach program that propagates animal welfare and rights  in the last 12 months and if you can provide material to support your achievements (articles, news items, videos, involvement in animal welfare projects, other recognitions, etc.) if you were to qualify.
  • Selection process: All applications received by the deadline will be reviewed by the FIAPO Awards Subcommittee. The selected awardees will be notified by 15th January 2022
Please fill each box in order to successfully apply for the award.

    Please answer the following questions in 500 words or less.