Nikita Dhawan is a Grade 11 student at the American Embassy School in New Delhi. She is the co-founder of an animal welfare organization called Youth for Animals. Their organization is strongly against animal cruelty and works towards animal protection and advocacy. Presently they are working on a campaign to rescue and rehabilitate Shankar, an African elephant who has been in solitary confinement for 16 years in the Delhi Zoo.
Session Name
Wish I had thought of that- Leading by example
Session Day & Time (IST)
30th January, 2022, 11:15- 11:30 AM
Session Brief
Nikita Dhawan will share what drives her to work in this space, how/why she built the platform”Youth for Animals”, the message she’d like to give to her peers, how she gathered support from various organisations and influencers and her future plans with respect to this platform.
Social Media Handles
Twitter : @youthforanimals
Instagram : @youth_for_animals
Facebook : @youthforanimals1
Linkedin :
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