shalabh Sahai


Shalabh Sahai is the co-founder of iVolunteer, India’s first enterprise dedicated to volunteer service, and the convenor of iVolunteer Awards, that recognises, celebrates, and inspires leaders in volunteering. He is also co-founder of JobsForGood, a boutique HR consultancy for social enterprises, nonprofits, and corporate foundations. Shalabh is an alumnus of the Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA), and serves on the CII Council for India@75 and the Global Council for Global Pro Bono Network.

Session Name
Foundation & Allyship for Animal Organisation- Workshop on Volunteer recruitment and management

Session Duration
60 minutes  

Session Day & Time (IST)
29th January 2022, 1:45-2:45 PM

Shalabh Sahai will share the idea behind hiring volunteers, superior approaches, aligning people’s passion with organisational goals, planning and executing volunteer recruitment, important considerations and ways to assess the impact.

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Twitter : @iVolunteerIndia
Instagram : ivolunteerindia

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by shalabh Sahai