Suparna Ganguly


Suparna Ganguly is Co-founder Trustee of Compassion Unlimited Plus Action (CUPA) and Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (WRRC). Suparna’s insights and opinions on captive elephants in India are based on extensive research, documentation and inspections of elephants in private holdings. Her findings, insights and opinions are widely published in the book titled “Gods in Chains” which subsequently inspired the making of the film “Gods in Shackles”.

Since 2006, Suparna has been involved in reporting on the welfare and veterinary status of captive elephants under private ownership and various management regimes across the country. In March 2016, Suparna received the prestigious Nari Shakti Puruskar 2015 from the Hon’ble President of India on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2016, in recognition of her exemplary and torch-bearing efforts.

Session Name
Breakaway Session – Reforming The Standards of Animal Welfare for
Wildlife-Captive Elephants

Session Duration
60 Minutes

Session Day & Time (IST)
29th January 2022, 12.25-1:25 PM

Session Brief
Suparna Ganguly will shed light on the current situation of captive elephants in the country and the faulty legal framework surrounding the essential issues of trade and transfer.

All session
by Suparna Ganguly